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Natural reusable amadou patch with carbon fibre cover.


Met up with Revolution Amadou at the recent EWF show and their amadou is quite simply the best there is. I was honoured when they agreed to let me have 10 of these patches which are now for sale on my website.


Amadou is a 100% natural product. Each piece is unique and as such will have variations in colour, texture, thickness and consistency. See individual photos of each patch for reference.


• selected, handmade fly drying amadou patch

• unique drainage system that assures fast drying

• durable and water repellent carbon fibre cover

• best amadou quality on the market

• orange para cord tether

• Booms carabiner for easy attachment

• size 4 x 7cm


If your patch gets soaking wet (in the rain or in the river) please allow it to dry out naturally.


Please note: these amadou patches are for drying flies, not carrying/keeping flies in as you would with a regular fly patch.

Revolution Amadou Patch

  • Amadou (as used in fly fishing) is actually a sponge - a part the fungus Fomes fomentarius. The higher the quality of the amadou sheet, the finer the network of channels and fibers and thus the better absorbing capacity of the patch. Being extremely soft (that would be the ideal type of amadou), while pressing the fly between the sheets, the amadou does not break or destroy the barbs or the hackles of the dry flies. It is particularly good for CDC, where the feather barbs are the retaining 'air chamber' of the fly, conferring it its floating ability. The best amadou contains no chemicals, it just quickly absorbs the water and moisture of the fly, leaving it ideally as fresh as right up the tying bench.

    For further information, see:

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